Our approach to life guidance and PSHE is centered on providing our students with the widest range of meaningful opportunities possible.
For example, rather than simply learning about other faiths we visit a local mosque to speak to the Imam. All of key stage 4 take part in team building and communication workshops with the RAF. When participating in the Royal Navy Engineering Challenge, students travel to Portsmouth and stay overnight on a battleship at HMS Sultan.
Lincoln UTC is a very small college, but there is nothing small about the ambition or scope of our programme of international trips. We are committed to giving our students huge and life changing chances to see the world and experience different cultures.
In recent years we have completed visits to Austria, Poland, France, Germany, Italy and Hong Kong.
This year, amongst the many trips and
visits that are commonplace every week…

We will be travelling to Travisio, Italy, where students from all year groups will be skiing during the February half term

We will be challenging for a podium
finish this year in the national finals of the GreenPower schools event at Goodwood
festival of speed.

We will visit Ogwen Valley with our year 10
students to take part in a number of outdoor and adventurous activities during
our annual residential

In July our counterparts in Hong Kong will
be visiting the UTC as part of our annual exchange. We will return the visit
and travel back to Hong Kong in the final week of the autumn half term. This
year we will be visiting the Engineering and Design campus.
Tafi-Atome DA Junior School - Ghana
We have recently begun raising funds for a school Africa. Tafi-Atome DA junior high school. Tafi Atome is a little village in the vulture region of Ghana.
The junior and secondary school was built in 1965 and has around 80 students, the majority of which are girls. The school consists of three classrooms and one small staffroom and is currently in a state of disrepair.
Once this relationship is established, our aim, in the near future,
is to travel to this school to share experiences and cultural differences. It
is our hope that this develops into a long lasting partnership where we can
have a lasting impact.