July Newsletter 2021

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Although the national legislation may have relaxed or removed many of the restrictions that have been in place this year, I doubt that this will be a totally normal summer. Concerns for our own health or the health of others may still influence our behaviours and we might think twice about foreign travel.

Sometimes it can help to focus, not on ‘freedom from’ but ‘freedom to’.

Looking back on our second pandemic year, we have been free to do a great deal. We were free to plan and implement our own approaches to keeping students and staff safe. Our students have been able to continue with practical lessons in all subject areas…which hasn’t been the case in all schools. We have been able to continue with our project programme and work together in teams…growing as individuals, working collaboratively, and developing those important skills and relationships. Things in the UTC feel remarkably ‘normal’ with students and staff happy at their work and happy to be here.

The summer break is an important opportunity to re-charge your batteries. There will be work to do next year. However normal it may feel now, there’s no denying that we have missed out on some learning opportunities this year. If some catching up is needed it helps to be well-rested.

Try to focus on the things that you can do this summer (rather than the things you can’t). Look after yourself. Spend time on your hobbies and the things you enjoy. Try something new. Most of all, spend some quality time with the people who matter… friends and family. We don’t need to be on a beach in Spain to enjoy the company of those we love.

Without wishing the summer away…looking forward to having you all back in September.

John Morrison 
