“Leaders have implemented a comprehensive and carefully considered programme for pupils’ personal, social and health education…known as life guidance, pupils learn about healthy relationships, child sexual exploitation, consent, substance abuse, radicalisation and extremism” - Ofsted, 2019

To complement our core curriculum subjects we deliver weekly life guidance lessons which contribute to the personal, social, moral, spiritual, and cultural development of our students. 

As well as a number of guest speakers that address students in each year group regarding key issues, this programme promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, law, individual liberty, respect and tolerance, as well as covering a range of other topics too.

Examples of topics covered within the life guidance programme from key stage 4 and key stage 5 can be seen below.   

Key Stage 4 

British values 
Respectful relationships, including friendships
Intimate and sexual relationships
#Me Too
Being safe 
Mental wellbeing
Physical health & fitness / healthy eating
Gender stereotypes
Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
Prejudice & immigration
Religion /faith perspectives
Law & justice
Work experience preparation
Finance and budgeting
Online & media   

Key Stage 5 

UCAS / Apprenticeships and alternative pathways
UCAS talk from Lincoln University
NHS talent academy talk
7 Habits of highly effective people
Life transitions
Making new friends and safety, including online
Types of relationships Inclusion within relationships
Emotional intimacy in relationships, including harmful sexual behaviours
Consent and its implications, including harmful sexual behaviours
Pregnancy (unintended) - Attitudes to sex and sexual behaviours
Parenthood and its responsibilities
Medical health
Self-help and identifying support
Identifying mental health issues and problems      
Drug and drink driving      
Risks and social responsibility
Parliamentary democracy, voting and the general election (British values)
Student ambassadors from Lincoln Uni - Why University? (UCAS)
Cover letter for job applications / work experience
Workplace wellbeing, protected characteristics
Savings options, managing your money
Understanding your Payslip
Radicalisation, extremism and PREVENT (British values)